Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My Kroger trip today

Kroger is running another buy 10, get $5 off promotion! They have been doing this a lot now, and I've gotten some good deals. And the Kroger at Summer and Wales runs the new week's ads on Tuesday too, so the weeks overlap, and you can get all the deals at once. Cool! I didn't make note of all the coupons I used, but here's what I got today:

Charmin 4-pk
Green Giant canned corn niblets on clearance $.36 ea
Poptarts 12pk
4 large jello
1 Kraft dressing
6 Kraft cheese slices: sale $2.37 ea - 3 $1/2 mq's - mega saver savings = $1.37 ea
2 Suave shampoos
2 Clean & Clear face wash: $1.99 - $2 mqs = free
2 Hot Pockets
10 Lean Cuisine: sale $2.27 - $1/5 mq's - mega saver savings = $1.57 ea
2 DiGiorno pizzas
2 Wheat Thins
3 Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh cooked chicken
1 OM Deli Fresh roast beef
10 Land O Frost lunchmeats 1 lb: reg $4.99 on sale for $2.99 - 10 $.55 mq's doubled = $1.89 ea
2 OM cooked bacon
1 bag Kroger bulk popcorn
(Not on sale, but I want to try making my own microwave popcorn)

My total after sales before coupons: $125.35, I used $40.45 in coupons, and had $15 taken off because I bought 30 items that were included in the Mega Sale. My tax was $8.10 and my total out-of-pocket was $78.03. Lee was a little disturbed when I told him how much I spent, but I think he was OK with it when he saw all the lunch meats and cheese and how many meals ingredients I had bought, and how much stock-up stuff was going in the freezer.


Christina said...

do you have a hot air popper?

we've been using that to pop the kernels and it saves a bunch of bucks!

Sheryl at Providence North said...

Wow! You do okay with those coupons and sales!